Saturday, March 13, 2010

r-e-s-p-e-c-t is always in fashion

At the nydesignroom, respect is always part of our relationships. The people I work with and I care about quality and fit. Over the years, customers have brought in garments they have loved either out of sentiment or because a shirt or a dress has always looked really good. Damage that sidelines such a beloved piece of clothing can sometimes be corrected through repair or redesign. Because of our reputation for up-cycling vintage for contemporary fashion, customers have asked us for this service and we have obliged as we were able.

Now, the nydesignroom RePair Shop provides a special time for individual consultations-just you, your garment, and one of our designers skilled in clothing construction. Every Wednesday, from 5 to 8 pm we run an expert repair shop. Everything made out of fabric can be tailored, fixed and renewed. Don't trust your fave jeans or rare vintage find to the dry cleaners. Come by and find out what we can do for your prized garment. DRop-off on Wednesday and pick-up the following wee. Prices upon consultation.

A Sense of Place: the nydesignroom Co-Op